(Walterboro, S.C.) Senator Margie Bright Matthews announced today the launch of her new campaign, www.margiebrightmatthewsforsenate.com, in her re-election bid for S.C. Senate district 45.
"There's too much at stake in this election and now more than ever our communities need leadership they can depend on to lead them through the multiple crises we are facing," said Sen. Bright Matthews.
"Everyday, it seems our families and neighbors are having to live through another hardship. We are seeing yet again the problems we face with systemic racism in our criminal justice system, the dangers to our women from domestic violence, the incredible disparities in our educational system and how all of these factors affect our community's ability to drive and sustain economic development. I'm running because it doesn't have to be that way and I want to give my community hope that these problems can and will be tackled with responsible leadership," she added.
Sen. Bright Matthews has served in the South Carolina State Senate since 2016, representing District 45. Her district includes Allendale, Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper Counties.
During her time in the State Legislature, Sen. Bright Matthews has established herself as a leading voice on women’s rights, fighting for criminal justice reform, and improving public education for children across South Carolina.
She serves on the Corrections and Penology, Family and Veterans' Services, Judiciary, Medical Affairs, and Transportation Committees.